liberate your expression and open your channel to receive

A two week immersion for visionary creators, healers and spiritual entrepreneurs who want to unleash their voices, their abundance, and their creativity through an open, unblocked channel.

You deserve to be free.
Truly free.
True freedom is you . . .
. . . untethered from attachments
. . . released from judgments and constrictions
. . . open to exactly what is here for you, activating you into the next level of awareness, abundance, and creativity.
Imagine living a life where you aren’t worrying about what everyone else is thinking about you…
You’re speaking up at family dinners.
You’re clearly stating your needs in your relationships.
You’re sharing your deepest thoughts online.
When expressing your attuned heart’s unapologetic alignment, you not only create deeper connection within your community…
You create an unbreakable connection with yourself.

But WHY is it so challenging to liberate yourself from the bindings that restrict you?
Your built up attachments, resentments, comparison, and frustration thwarts your ability to be authentic in your expression.
(But you already know this.)
What you may not know is . . .
there are energetic patterns/blockages/holds that thwart your ability to fully move the Divine through you into the world
We can shift that in two weeks together.
And we will.
If you’re all in

Inside of FREEDOM:
We’ll work to release your energetic bindings, attachments, and judgements so you can receive love, receive abundance, receive guidance from the Universe, and express fully in every area of your life.
When your expression is liberated, you naturally invite in people and experiences that resonate with your truest desire.
When you become available to be seen, valued, and elevated in this life, you become open to receiving all that is here for you.
Release the bondage of the past and unlock a movement toward your creative impulse.
- Value and honor what you bring forward for the collective
- Create a clear resonance of self
- Allow your expression to awaken your consciousness
- Releasing yourself from your OWN control, so you can experience your FLOW.

You don’t wait for permission to be fully expressed . . . claim it.
liberate your expression and open your channel to receive
September 6th – 15th
0 Days
0 Hours
0 minutes
0 seconds
Pay in Full:
2 Payments:
You’re here to express and create, not to perform or aquias to the roles put upon you.

Your essential contribution to co-creation in the emergent field with the Universe requires your freedom.
This all star collaboration is 🔥
Without restriction there is flow.
And this flow births new experiences, new paradigms, new worlds!
A 2 WEEK INTENSIVE to liberate your expression and open your channel to receive

Let the Divine flow through you fully expressed without restriction!
No hindrances
No more holding back
This is what your soul is aching for.
And freedom . . . attracts more of the same.
More adventure.
More flow.
More excitement.
More delight.
More peace.

I’m Briana Borten, and I’m a spiritual leader and teacher focused on how our connection to our souls, each other, the Divine, and the earth is the solution.
I’m passionate about helping people connect deeply to themselves, to each other, to the Divine, and to the Earth. I believe this is the way of our greatest healing individually and collectively.
I have a gift for seeing/sensing/feeling deep truth and articulating it for my clients. However, I’m humbly aware that I am a limited being in a human body so my point of view is, of course, that as well – so I rely on the expanded view graced to us to help myself, my friends, my clients, and you navigate toward peace and freedom, again and again.
Let’s help you remember and reclaim yourself – through energy work, embodied movement, community, conversations, and ceremony.
Devotional Love,

Working with Briana has changed my life. Our weekly energy attunements create so much space for clarity, growth. It feels soooo good to be supported in this way! But, the part that’s really blown my mind has been seeing the ripple effect that has extended out into my life and the lives of my family, extended family, employees, business and community. I feel more grounded and present in my daily life, more clear about my purpose and my path, and more confident in my abilities to move forward in an aligned way. It’d undoubtedly made me a better leader. And, whole new levels of communication and connection have opened up in my own family and even into my extended family and their families. It’s been really amazing. I have noticed an expansion in our businesses and in our lives. I’m so very grateful to Briana for doing this work and leading in this way. Thank you!
Anne Bauer

I met Briana over 15 years ago at a critical time in my personal and spiritual journey. I was out of balance – working too hard – and feeling sad and disconnected. I had “achieved” much by western/business standards – yet I still felt like something was missing. I had circled around working with a guide, advisor, healer for years but just could not bring myself to pull the trigger. The nagging voice of the ego could find a million reasons for me not to listen to the whisper of my soul. That was until I met Briana. Her intuition and calm and loving demeanor was able to settle my egoic mind and allow me to become open and vulnerable (the first step to real healing). Briana was able to “see me” and really deeply and truly look into my soul and life and offer concrete, clear, actionable steps and practices to help me. Briana blends and balances the esoteric art of “downloading” and working with spirit along with the more tangible work of a modern day western coach to work magic. Briana has a loving and caring energy that can help guide even the busiest and those that are searching on a path of wisdom, health, centered self and contentment. She has been a life saver and life improver for me and I strongly recommend Briana as a wonderful and powerful, mentor, coach and guide.
David Howitt

I’ve experimented with different types of energy work over the years and it was immediately clear Briana offers something unique. She’s gentle, perceptive, and easy to work with, and at the same time, incredibly strong and powerful! I was blown away by her insights and how great I felt afterwards. She’s a gifted healer and I feel so lucky to be able to work with her!
Liz Long

The work I’ve done with Briana was the beginning of energy work for me, I didn’t even know the term, I didn’t know what it was. And when we started doing it, it was so beautiful. Aside from the effects, the coming together, the being together with people that wanted to show up in the world with love was incredible.
My life changed in every way. So many things have shifted, that I didn’t know needed to be shifted. The biggest thing is that my relationships are different – not because other people changed, but because my perspective shifted and I show up differently. And as a result I get differently things back. My relationships have become 100% better.
Kay Stewart Douglas

Working with Briana has narrowed my focus while expanding my creativity and capacity to imagine. That is the work that Briana does — clearing the path for your best and brightest work by tuning in to your energy. Her ability to see what is blocking and stopping my energy has been a powerful force in my life. The sacred space Briana creates by tuning in to your own wisdom and energy is transformative in its clarity.
Kimberly Pendleton

I have a tendency to be a bit chaotic, and immediately after my session with Briana I felt a sense of calm and stability that has not left me weeks later. But what was most profound was what transpired in my life the weeks after. Some foundational pieces in my life fell apart, and then came back together in a new way that actually supported the person I was becoming. It was hard while it was happening, but it’s like our session initiated for everything that wasn’t working in my life to be revealed and renovated. Working with Briana is an initiation, one you must not take likely and be ready for because your whole life will surely change.
Sarah Jenks

I always knew Briana was incredibly talented; she is a conscientious mother, a deeply loving partner, a supportive friend, and an incredible business ninja. She’s one of the few people in my life that I’ve brought all aspects of my life to, and felt completely heard and supported through it all.
But what I’ve come to discover is that Briana is not only talented, but also profoundly gifted. We’ve had several energy sessions, and in a few short hours she has helped shift energy that’s been stuck or stifled, to open up the channels for greater clarity, flow, and abundance in my life.
In just a few weeks, I’ve already noticed shifts in my outlook around things that have previously been challenging, as well as much greater clarity where I was previously feeling stuck and confused. This work feels like the fast track to everything I desire that is meant to be in my life anyways – it’s that powerful.
Nisha Moodley

Is this only for women?
No, this container is for all folks that want to get in touch with their innate worth.
Are there any payment plans?
Yes, you can pay in full or make two payments
What are the dates of the live calls?
The current schedule is as follows.*
Tuesday September 6th 1:30pm PT / 4:30pm ET
Wednesday Sept 7th 11am PT / 2pm ET
Thursday Sept 8th 12pm PT / 3pm ET
Friday Sept 9th 10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET
Monday Sept 12th 9am PT / 12pm ET
Wednesday Sept 14th 9am PT / 12pm ET
Thursday Sept 15th 12:15pm PT / 3:15pm ET
*Please note that these times are subject to change. We’ll give you as much advance notice as possible if a change occurs. All sessions will be recorded.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the nature of this program there are no refunds – make sure you’re ready for this deep activation before you sign up.
Do I have lifetime access to the program?
You’ll have access to this program for one month after it completes to revisit any lesson or catch up on lessons you’ve missed. This is an energetic container that holds powerful magic that’s held during the time frame of the program.
Do you guarantee I’ll become more free with this program?
Your results from this program will greatly depend on your participation and integration. I fully believe that if you are open and willing this program has the potential to create incredible freedom, but I can’t guarantee exact results as each individual’s situation and engagement is different.
Are there scholarships available?
We have a few full scholarships and several 1/2 scholarships available. If you’re interested in a scholarship please email with your request for a scholarship, which kind of scholarship, and why you’re seeking assistance at this time.
If you want to BE your POTENTIAL –
you have to have a free channel for it to move through.
Let’s make that happen now.
Want to make sure this course is for you?
Message @brianaborten on instagram and let’s dive in together