Illuminate the Darkness
A Winter Solstice portal to ignite your light so you’re fully ON!
Free Three Day Journey
December 18 – 20, 2024
A replay is available if you can’t attend live.
Awaken to Your Light
Three days of live sessions (approximately 60 minutes in length):
Wednesday December 18th at 1pm PST / 4pm EST
Thursday December 19th at 1pm PST / 4pm EST
Friday December 20th at 1pm PST / 4pm EST
(Replays will be available – but coming live is 🔥🔥)
The Experience of being human at this time is wild.
Things are moving faster than ever.
We are witnessing and experiencing some of the greatest challenges of humankind.
Our attention is being hijacked at every turn.
The deliberate focus of our awareness and love is our most precious gift. Where we place it changes everything.
For us, and for the world.
Having your inner light be what navigates you through the shadows and challenges gives rise to a whole new way of creation – but first you have to see it, and then you get to elevate it.
You know this Great Light.
It’s been with you all along.
It’s the truest thing about you.
Now is the time to give it a central place in your life:
Radiating it out into the world through your words and actions, your eyes, your work, your kindness
Finding it in everyone and everything, letting the Light show you what’s beneath the surface
Being a beacon and uplifting both yourself and your planet in the process
As children it streams through us, giving us almost limitless energy, fresh eyes, and light hearts.
But as we take on patterns of fear and stories of limitation, we develop a crust that obstructs Light’s expression through us.
If you’re like . . . well, everyone . . . you occasionally forget about it entirely — sometimes for long periods.
Other things seem to be more important.
Until you feel something’s not right.
Whether you recognize it or not, there’s a part of you that’s never forgotten.
It yearns to give your life back to your Light.
You have a broader perspective, so things don’t bother you like they used to.
You’re more readily in the creative flow. A well of energy and inspiration are available to you.
You’re more generous, because the easiest way to experience Light moving through you is to share it.
You develop a sense of trust that remains with you even in the face of uncertainty.
Now is the time.
Want to know where to start?
I can do better than that – come take a journey with me. I’ll hold your hand the whole way …
Join my free 3 day experience,
Illuminate the Darkness
Each day of our journey we’ll gather together in ceremony to receive guidance and do practices to amplify our inner light.
The lessons will build on each other, finishing the day before the Winter Solstice, so you can enter the darkest day of the year remembering and honoring and feeling powerfully connected to your Light.
There will also be a community group where you can share your exploration and get the support of others.
What will you get out of it?
- I’ll establish a clear, sacred path for you to walk into this time, so you’ll get the most out of this incredible energy portal we’re in.
- You’ll experience sacred peace and groundedness in your system.
- You’ll learn how to recognize the truth of the light within.
- You’ll harness the energy of this time to catalyze positive change in your life.
- At the end you’ll feel confident in your connection with your inner light-being. This is your Highest Self. You’ll have access to it throughout your life and it’ll provide illumination and warmth in every situation, including in your relationships, your health, and your work.
You’ll be remembered. Fully.
Why is this so important in this moment?
- These three days lead up to the darkest day of the year, when we’re prompted to recognize what the light is and where it {actually} comes from. This is a potent time for getting quiet, setting aside our usual ego-driven pursuits, and doing powerful inner work.
- It’s an incredible opportunity to initiate a deep remembering in every fiber of your being: of your true nature as a being of light and love; a chance to put your SOUL back in the driver’s seat
- The more awareness and intention we can maintain during these critical periods, when the veil between the everyday/mundane and the spiritual dimension is thinner, the more transformative they will be for us.
Join Illuminate the Darkness for FREE
I’m Briana Borten, and I’m a spiritual leader and teacher focused on how our connection to our souls, each other, the Divine, and the earth is the solution.
I see, understand, and can tap into the web of the universe – the unseen energetic field through which we (our human souls, our bodies, and everything on the earth) are all connected.
Humans have lost our awareness of that
connection and thus, our place in that web.
I believe if we can reconnect with that intelligence, the problems in our individual lives, as well as our problems as a species (politically, globally, and environmentally) can be solved.
Briana, I am so thankful for this opportunity arising at this critical moment in my life. I thank the universe for the alignment of my true compass that pointed me towards this experience AND truly appreciate everyone person here who made this possible through their participation. We did this work together and we are magic.
– Catherine Adams
Thank you Briana…The joy of being on the planet and living conscience lives connecting our energies and knowing we are each out there being a difference. Taking care of ourselves, deepening our connection to the self. feeling free, having fun and being creative.
– Ana M Walle
Briana’s capacity to see, work with and lovingly shift your energy — i.e. the system underlying everything you are feeling and experiencing— is truly remarkable. Not to mention breathtakingly efficient. Time spent with her brings me distinct clarity in a way few things can. It’s the deepest, truest kind of high— one that taps into my own essence. She’s something special and I feel so lucky to have her on my team.
– Ginny Muir