Summer of Divine Love

You know what I know about you, my love?
You are Divine Potential,
and when you experience the
full free unrestricted expression
of yourself in wholeness,
in a deeply devoted relationship with the Universe,
the life that you live from that place
will blow your socks off.
It’s a life lived as an unrestricted Conduit of Love where:
There’s no more:
- settling
- hiding the fullness of your being
- rushing and hustling trying to achieve things you really don’t care about
- playing small to satisfy social standards or make others
- comfortable or because you’re afraid of your power
- comparison and judgment
Instead there’s:
- incredible passion pouring through your being
- deep intuitive knowing that leads your life
- spaciousness and clarity so you can take the next right action in each moment
- creativity that flows from you with confidence, in contribution
- inclusion and elevation

This is actually the life you’re here to live.
And on a deep cellular level, you know it.
feel that knowing.
You are Divine Potential and it’s your duty to access and express the essence of your being into the world.

The Summer of Divine Love is an initiation into The power and expansion of what it is to be you.
July 18th – August 31st
It will bring you into the heat of your own fire in order to alchemize all that is and has been into the next iteration of opening to Divine Love.
The Summer of Divine Love Program:
- Learn to transmute negative energy so you can be fully free
- Access passion and true ambition to catalyze your creativity and service in the world
- Receive and be coded with the every emergent energetic of right relationship with yourself, with the Universe, with the earth, and with others.
- Open to receiving all that the Universe has to offer you by offering up and letting go of the walls and blockages
- Be catalyzed by a clear AF energetic container that will activate and expand you to the next level
- Everything that is not aligned will come to the surface to be transformed
- Experience the deep, abiding, unconditional love of the Universe coursing through you and being channeling into the world
In order for the Divine Potential that you are to be fully activated, there’s a time you must choose to fully step into the heat.
No matter how hard you try to tap your purpose and power and live the desires of your heart it doesn’t work if you haven’t become energetically aligned with the truth of your being and then let the fire of transformation reconfigure you.
If you approach your soul work, your growth, your spiritual connection, and manifestation from a place of . . .
. . .believing you’re broken
. . .that you need to prove yourself or wanting the Universe to prove something to you
. . . from your ego . . .
it’s not an energetic match for exponential growth and expansion, for love and passion.
It’s not because you’re not worthy, not good enough, or especially messed up (I promise!),
it’s because you haven’t gone all the way in and been willing in a medicine field of love.
Which requires that you to be able to be with ALL of the sensation and discomfort that come along with witnessing what has to be alchemized in order for you to be connected and aligned.
The first step is a yes.
A yes to yourself as Divine Potential activated.
Your Journey includes:
In our journey together we’ll go through nine activation portals as we move into the fire to be alchemized into our fullest potential.
Portal 2:
Healing of ancestral tangles and our energetic lines so we can move forward with more freedom.
Portal 3:
Energy work to bring ourselves home to ourselves, willing to fully occupy this life and our seat in the Universe.
Portal 4:
Awakening the inner fire while leaning into trust in the Universe and ourselves to move it forward for the greatest good of all.
Portal 5:
Receiving and expanding our capacity for the heat, for the light, for the fire of love within us to be able to push us beyond what’s comfortable and into what’s magical.
Portal 6:
Activation into our passion, into our wildest dreams and then intentionally working with the resistance and blockages that get in the way of living this potential.
Portal 7:
Shifting perspective toward what we want to create, for us, for the world, and diving into the life practices and mindset that allow us to live into that new paradigm.
Portal 8:
Working within the context of right relationship with others, with the world, and with ourselves, we presence the power that exists in these connections and untangle the energetics for a more powerful experience of divinely led self.
Portal 9:
Fully arriving into surrendered self – engaged in love, allowing the Universe to flow through you as aligned Divine expression.
I’m Briana Borten, and I’m a spiritual mentor who guides visionary leaders (that’s you!) to become spiritually rooted stewards of wealth. I trust that when we’re connected to our souls, each other, the Divine, and the earth money in our hands is good for everyone and we start to create solutions.
I see, understand, and can tap into the web of the universe – the unseen energetic field through which we (our human souls, our bodies, and everything on the earth) are all connected. Humans have lost our awareness of that connection and thus, our place in that web, but it’s ours to reclaim and awaken to our greatest potential.
Let’s exponential expand you – through energy work, embodied movement, community, conversations, and ceremony.
Devotional Love,

She heard her heart and it beat out
Now. Now. Now.
She listened as she leaned in
To the very edge of creation
And took a breath.
Grounded herself.
And remembered the full spectrum
And wattage
Of her light.
She received the invitation
To the life she always wanted.
And said yes.
– Briana Borten
Fire is the great alchemizer, the transformer – offer yourself fully and be reconfigured for your highest good

Summer of Divine Love is the most transformative experience of my life. Briana moves through each session in a loving, lighthearted, and articulate way. The cumulative effect of committing to my own Spiritual growth during the course enabled me to experience energetic shifts I wouldn’t have believed possible. Loving all parts of myself during this process healed a lifetime of old wounds, internal narratives, and ego-based fear. My Spirit feels lighter, brighter, and full of creative expansion. I’m more present in my life, and have tapped into an abundance of love. I felt my heart crack open to radiate and receive love as never before! So grateful I said YES!
Bridgit Colleran

This course/initiation was a fantastic spiritual jump start! If you have been flirting with a spiritual practice but have been unable to commit, this course will help get you in the groove. The course content has had a positive impact on all aspects of my life, from work to relationships, and Brianna really helped me bring the lessons learned into my day-to-day living. If you have been feeling stuck or like you have lost your sense of self, you should definitely check out Summer of Divine Love
Andrea Moore

I joined Summer of Divine Love because I woke up feeling depleted. I had practices in place, but I hit my limit on how much I could expand on my own. Having a daily commitment with Briana helped me shift so much, quickly, and gave me practices I can lean into. I highly recommend this course if you want to feel a flow of energy moving through you. It was some kind of magic!
Mallory Hainey

My anxiety is gone! I have so much more capacity for joy, peace, and curiosity. I have so much more energy. My self love has grown exponentially. I am caring for myself, my house, and my family with a new sense of ease and bliss. I can’t recommend this course enough.
Emily Giugni

Summer of Divine Love is the perfect portal for people wanting to get through that last roadblock to all the best life that is waiting on the other side. You will truly be transformed.
Sandra Marie Wagner

Summer of Divine Love was such an incredible experience that I’m finding keeps on giving! I’ve felt so many shifts since beginning the course and have come out of it with such a connection and commitment to myself and my potential. I’m so grateful for the knowledge and wisdom Briana shared with us live each day. She has such a beautiful way of teaching incredibly complex concepts that is approachable, completely understandable, and thoroughly thoughtful. I always feel so honored to be in her presence. What a beautiful, inspirational soul.
Megan McCrea

Is this only for women?
No, this container is for all folks that want to deepen their connection to divine love.
Are there any payment plans?
Yes, you can pay in full or make three payments.
What is your refund policy?
We do not offer refunds.
Are there scholarships available?
We have a few full scholarships and several 1/2 scholarships available.
What if I have a question?
We’d love to help you – email info@brianaborten.com and my team will answer you ASAP! Or message me on Instagram.

While we can easily move through summer like the rushing river, we’re going to take the time together to savor the moments, to dip into the swimming holes of Divine Love.
There’s fire energy to attune to, and while it may get us out and connecting with our communities again, we’re also going to take our slow sensuous time with this energy so it can transform us on a cellular level.
Let’s go.