Remember and Reclaim Yourself

Being human is crazy.
One minute you feel delighted about this moment and excited about your future and the next you’re scrolling through social media comparing yourself to random “influencers” and spiraling into negative self-talk and self sabotage.
This rollercoaster of highs and lows is all fine and well if we’re into it . . . until we get stuck in the muck and can’t find our way out.

You feel like you don’t deserve your dreams.
You settle for the scraps in relationships.
You relentlessly people please in order to feel valuable.
You don’t take time for yourself or your creativity.
It’s a constant game of trying to prove you’re “good enough” in order to fill the deep dark cavern of “not good enough” you secretly believe is true.
But it’s not about being good enough or not good enough.

There’s something you’ve forgotten . . .
A vital truth:
YOU are innately worthy.
In every moment.
In the “good enough” moments.
In the “not good enough” moments.
You just forgot.
Most of us do.
You’re in good company . . .
But it’s time for a change.
For you.
For us.
It’s time to remember our worth and claim ourselves fully.
Because this truth sets us free.
Your desires become sacred.
Your intimacy blooms.
Your power embodied.

You know this already . . .
under the layers of fog that have been piled on top of your awareness.
That’s why you’re here.
To choose you.
To become devoted to you.
To fully remember and reclaim YOU.
Come home to your innate worth

How to know if joining Worthy is for you now:
- You desire to live your highest potential and feel it right at your fingertips – but you’re holding back somehow
- You’re addicted to the good enough/not good enough game
- You either avoid or get completely overtaken by challenging emotions (you know . . . anger, sadness, fear, irritation) and you want to learn to navigate them
- You’re addicted to the “good girl” identity and it holds you back from being fully expressed
- You experience resistance to your power, which shows up as consuming more than creating, letting your fear talk you out of your dreams, and dulling your light so you don’t cause any ripples in the pond.

This journey of connecting to innate worth is deeply personal to me because I believe fully that it’s been one of the greatest gifts of my life.
To hold myself as the one.
The one for me.
I didn’t always feel this way. In fact my value felt so connected to my success. My worth was as shifty as the sands of time.
A friend would tell me about their successful launch and I’d spiral into the depths of self flagellation.
Trying to punish myself into being “better.”
And then on my birthday many years ago, I was sitting in the windowsill of a friends house in Greece, pregnant with my daughter Sailor, looking out over this gorgeous island and the beautiful Mediterranean Sea and I made a decision: This was going to be the year I fall in love with me, become intimate with my worthiness, and learn to hold myself in the truth of my being.
And that began the most transformative initiation of my life.

Through challenges, confrontations with my ego, lots of tears, witnessing the excruciatingly painful way in which I’d been holding my beloved self . . . I found my way.
My way back to awareness of my worth and my power.
Then I went through a period of integration where I learned to walk with it, live with it, embody it.
And now . . . I want to walk with you on the path of your awakening.
Because I know that even for ambitious, powerful humans like yourself – this piece is often the missing link between a life of successes and a truly awe-inducing experience of delight and connection throughout your life.
You already know the truth of this.
It’s time to remember.

The Worthy Program:
- Come home to yourself and claim YOU as YOURS, and learn to create incredibly powerful boundaries and standards from this place.
- Learn how to manage experiences of contraction in a way that uplift your whole life.
- Recalibrate your energetic frequency to align with the truth of your being.
- Take back your power, so you can create with less effort and more flow.
- Evolve your mindset around your capacity, so you can live from your exponential potential.
- Learn to communicate from this place of grounded worthiness in a way that connects to the heart.
In this beautiful course there’s a transmission of the energy of Worthiness that will vibrate through – it’s for you to soak in and receive in your body and energetic system.

I know that deep within you there’s an ache that’s telling you that the way you hold yourself isn’t fully in alignment with the truth of your being.
You’re full of magic.
You’re here, as this human, on this planet, at this time, to open up and discover the incredible power within you.
It’s not just for some (though not everyone is ready)
It’s not just for those that “seem” the shiniest
It’s for every human on this planet.
Our potential fully realized – our connection into the depths of our worthiness – heals the collective and opens us up to a world of possibilities beyond our wildest dreams.

Your program includes:
- Eight live modules with Briana (60-90 minutes each)
- One Q&A coaching session where you can ask your questions
- Meditations and practices to deepen your embodiment
- A private group to connect with the other incredible participants of Worthy
- An energetic field for you to calibrate your energy to a deep understanding of worth
You’re worthy of a life fully expressed.

Remember & Reclaim Yourself
January 10 – February 1, 2023
Early Bird Pricing Ends
0 Days
0 Hours
0 minutes
0 seconds
I’m Briana Borten, and I’m a spiritual leader and teacher focused on how our connection to our souls, each other, the Divine, and the earth is the solution.
I’m passionate about helping people connect deeply to themselves, to each other, to the Divine, and to the Earth. I believe this is the way of our greatest healing individually and collectively.
I have a gift for seeing/sensing/feeling deep truth and articulating it for my clients. However, I’m humbly aware that I am a limited being in a human body so my point of view is, of course, that as well – so I rely on the expanded view graced to us to help myself, my friends, my clients, and you navigate toward peace and freedom, again and again.
Let’s help you remember and reclaim yourself – through energy work, embodied movement, community, conversations, and ceremony.
Devotional Love,
Is this only for women?
No, this container is for all folks that want to get in touch with their innate worth.
Are there any payment plans?
No, not for this program.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the nature of this program there are no refunds – make sure you’re ready for this deep activation before you sign up.
Do I have lifetime access to the program?
You’ll have access to this program for one month after it completes to revisit any lesson or catch up on lessons you’ve missed. This is an energetic container that holds powerful magic that’s held during the time frame of the program.
Will you be teaching about money in this course?
We will be discussing a little about money as it relates to our inner experience of worth – however if you want to dive more into Abundance I suggest you also join Stewards of Wealth.
Are there scholarships available?
We have a few full scholarships and several 1/2 scholarships available. If you’re interested in a scholarship please email info@brianaborten.com with your request for a scholarship, which kind of scholarship, and why you’re seeking assistance at this time.

Brianna helped me trust me again. I was emotionally askew after several years working on past trauma and fear issues. I was making progress but was somewhat stalled. Working through several of Brianna’s programs, I substantially made progress identifying and demystifying issues. Then the majik happens; a method to rid these emotional vampires, a path with tools to start living in the present, a community of like-minded individuals working toward similar goals, all in a safe environment. Today i can embrace life on life’s terms much more easily, burn less energy and be far more happy with the results. I never thought a life like this was possible. I was wrong. Now it just feels right.
Robert Soto

This is a course that i didn’t know i needed. As a drag queen, double Leo, and performer all my life, i never thought that worthiness was an issue for me. Until i discovered that there is a difference between worthiness rooted in oneself vs. worthiness that was attached to applause. This course not only taught me that, but deepened the way i interact with and care for my most valuable resource–myself. My soul. My body. My he(art). If you’re like me and think that you don’t need this class because you got this shit covered, you are the one that probably needs it the most. i know i did. i’m so grateful i worked through my ego and said the intuitive YES to this experience. It’s invaluable! Do it! And then let’s kiki afterwards! 🤗
Brandi Amara Skyy

Briana Borten and her team have created a nurturing, safe and validating space for personal transformation through the Worthy course. I was interested in participating in this course after hearing Briana explain during another session why looking at our worthiness was so vital and shared signs to reflect on which may indicate that you may not be feeling worthy on some level.
Through the Worthy course, I learned that traits that I had previously perceived as personal strengths (e.g., being an overachiever), were actually reflections of a lack of worthiness. I’ve been able to gradually transform old habits and learned behaviors by utilizing tools and knowledge received through this course. I now confidently prioritize ME, without a feeling of guilt or selfishness. I also recognize that in honoring my worth, I exemplify how others should value and treat me! (Ashe!) I feel extremely fortunate to have participated in this insightful course and highly encourage others to seize the opportunity to do the same.
Nicole Lee-Mwandha

The work I’ve done with Briana was the beginning of energy work for me, I didn’t even know the term, I didn’t know what it was. And when we started doing it, it was so beautiful. Aside from the effects, the coming together, the being together with people that wanted to show up in the world with love was incredible.
My life changed in every way. So many things have shifted, that I didn’t know needed to be shifted. The biggest thing is that my relationships are different – not because other people changed, but because my perspective shifted and I show up differently. And as a result I get differently things back. My relationships have become 100% better.
Kay Douglas Stewart

Working with Briana has narrowed my focus while expanding my creativity and capacity to imagine. That is the work that Briana does — clearing the path for your best and brightest work by tuning in to your energy. Her ability to see what is blocking and stopping my energy has been a powerful force in my life. The sacred space Briana creates by tuning in to your own wisdom and energy is transformative in its clarity.
Kimberly Pendleton

I have a tendency to be a bit chaotic, and immediately after my session with Briana I felt a sense of calm and stability that has not left me weeks later. But what was most profound was what transpired in my life the weeks after. Some foundational pieces in my life fell apart, and then came back together in a new way that actually supported the person I was becoming. It was hard while it was happening, but it’s like our session initiated for everything that wasn’t working in my life to be revealed and renovated. Working with Briana is an initiation, one you must not take likely and be ready for because your whole life will surely change.
Sarah Jenks

I always knew Briana was incredibly talented; she is a conscientious mother, a deeply loving partner, a supportive friend, and an incredible business ninja. She’s one of the few people in my life that I’ve brought all aspects of my life to, and felt completely heard and supported through it all.
But what I’ve come to discover is that Briana is not only talented, but also profoundly gifted. We’ve had several energy sessions, and in a few short hours she has helped shift energy that’s been stuck or stifled, to open up the channels for greater clarity, flow, and abundance in my life.
In just a few weeks, I’ve already noticed shifts in my outlook around things that have previously been challenging, as well as much greater clarity where I was previously feeling stuck and confused. This work feels like the fast track to everything I desire that is meant to be in my life anyways – it’s that powerful.
Nisha Moodley

When you invest in your soul’s expansion like this, you give the Universe a clear message:
This is the vibe.
This is who I am.
Freedom and love.
Delight in your yes to this.
Want to make sure this course is for you?
Message @brianaborten on instagram and let’s dive in together