Powerful Energy Work for Your Business So You Can Experience Abundance, Clarity, and Flow

As a visionary entrepreneur I know you’re connected to your business, you created it because it was your deepest desire, your heart’s work. And maybe . . .
- You haven’t been seeing the number of clients you want
- Money feels tight, and total abundance an out-of-reach dream
- Your vision for exactly how to take it to the next level is foggy AF
- You want to grow your impact with a bigger community, but feel blocked
- There hasn’t been the consistent, sustainable growth that you desire

I get it, as a devoted entrepreneur for over 2 decades I’ve been TSS (*through some shit* 😉 ) and even though there are some strategic and practical things that I’ve done to shift the direction of my business when it’s not going the way I want, I’ve found that it’s actually what’s happening at a FOUNDATIONAL LEVEL that has the biggest impact.

So if you . . .
. . . desire to have the most incredible clients lining up to work with you because your work and messaging is aligned . . .
. . . long to experience ease in abundance WHILE having the time of your freaking life in your work . . .
. . . want to have the confidence to claim your space in your industry and take your business to the next level . . .

I created Amplify for you.
I’ll help you upgrade the root level of your business that gives rise to the rest of creation: the energy!

When the energy changes – everything changes.
Your business has its own energy field (and it’s separate from yours actually – even though you’re likely very connected) and it can get jammed up, cloudy, twisted, and stagnant – you can *FEEL* it, right?
The good news is that just like your energy field – it can be supported, cleared, and healed to bring it into its highest potential.
The even better news is – I can do it for you.
Amplify is for visionary leaders who want to feel sustained and nourished in their business, on all levels.
- It’s for those that want to do everything they can for their business but don’t want one more thing on their calendar to DO!
- It’s for entrepreneurs who know that it can be so much better and are ready to make it happen.
It can be abundant.
You can feel in your creative flow.
It’s meant to be a great adventure, not a grind.

More trust,
less hustle
We’ve been taught that the way to succeed in business is to hustle harder.
But the truth is that there’s actually another, more clear and direct, way to open up your pathways to flourish and that’s to create alignment of the energy. Because when the energy is aligned through and through it creates the main elements needed for expansion:
*Space * Integrity * Movement *
*Depth * Trust * Engagement*

Hear from Amplifiers:

Here’s the thing: Your business is the vehicle for your potential and purpose to flow through into the world and create a new reality for yourself and for all of us.
We need YOU doing your work in the world.
And so many entrepreneurs stop because they don’t have this really key support to thrive.
I don’t want that for you.

When you think about your business do you feel excited?
I bet you started your business because you wanted freedom, you wanted abundance, and you wanted to make an impact.
But when no one is clicking . . .
When expenses are high and stress is high . . .
When you keep stopping yourself because you’re afraid of failing . . .
It’s hard to feel that spark..
But I know that there’s a fire inside you just waiting to pour forth and we just need to clear the energetic gunk so your business can be the vehicle for your creation, devotion, and dreams!

This program isn’t about learning more – it’s not for your mind at all actually – it’s about changing the foundational energy of your business so it can thrive.
When you join Amplify:
Expansion and rooted clarity become your business’s daily reality, all with very low impact on your full schedule
Decisions and the vision forward will become clear because the energy will be aligned and directive
The energetic lines of receiving will open up so you and your business can experience all that’s here for you
Creative fire will (re)awaken and revitalize all that you do within your business
Your work will grow a rooted structure to hold the flow and momentum that want to move through it

Here’s what Amplify includes:
Bi-Monthly Energy Work and Ceremony:
Two times a month I’ll dive in with the energy of your business and do a beautiful ceremony to honor and uplift it and then bring forth the energy medicine needed to unclog, unblock, and untangle what’s getting in the way of its highest evolution.
There’s so much magic and insight that comes through in these sessions that both shift the energy and offer guidance.
Quarterly Business Programs:
In your membership, you’ll receive quarterly business programs that are focused on helping you create and align with your soul engaged business that supports your vision for your life and the world.
These programs are profoundly potent to enhance your business.
As they become available through the course of the year, the programs will provide support in every area needed in business – including my most popular program I’ve ever created: Stewards of Wealth (worth $2,097).
Just these four programs alone are worth over $3,757.
Expansion and Rooted Clarity:
Your business isn’t just about profit; it’s about awakening to your highest potential and living the way you know you’re meant to. With Amplify, experience profound expansion and rooted clarity.
Private Podcast:
Twice a month, you’ll receive the wisdom download and information from the energy attunement via a private podcast. It’s a spiritually rooted conversation for you and your business that will guide you into the next evolution of your business.
Monthly Sigil:
Once a month you’ll receive a potent monthly sigil, which is a magical design that’s given to us from the cosmos to help direct and shift the energy of your business. It’s directly connected to the energy shifts that are being invited in for the rooted expansion of your business. You’ll use it to connect to the energetic imprint and co-create your deepest desires.
You’ll have a private Voxer group to connect with the other badass visionary leaders in Amplify where you’ll be able to share, celebrate and receive support. I know that this kind of community changes the entrepreneurial experience in such a big way!
The Vibe:
Your business’s energy – it’s (well) taken care of.
And you get to do what you do best – your work in the world.

I know sometimes it’s hard to understand how energetic shifts can manifest tangibly so I wanted to share just a few examples of how I’ve seen it work:
And as you can see, you could grind your way to these results – or you can change the underlying energetic issue and then have it be your new way of being – in flow, alignment, and deep service to your work.
Amplify Membership Plan
Monthly membership is for a minimum of 3 months, after that, you’re welcome to cancel any time.
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Amplify Accelerated
Most Flexible: Monthly
Best Value: Annually
(save $2,666)
Includes everything in Amplify PLUS a one on one monthly call with Briana + twice monthly personalized energy attunements
Joining Amplify Accelerated will take you from changing the foundational energy of your business to alchemizing your purpose and mission to dream-realized expansion.
Besides all the delight you get in Amplify, Amplify Accelerated includes a one on one monthly call focused on creating structure and magic in your business plus a twice monthly personalized energy attunement for your and your business (a value of over $2,500 per month!).
This is for you if. . .
- you’re wanting one on one support directly with Briana
- you’re ready for deep clarity around the next steps in your business
- you want to use energetic alchemy to grow your impact and your income
- you know that the right support will open the path of abundance to flow to you
- you’re ready to create the sacred structures to support your business
Put the energy into your business that you want to see come from your business.
Accelerate your growth with Amplify Accelerated.
The Foundation – A Masterclass in Energetically Weaving the Roots of Your Business
($997 value)
This four hour masterclass will fundamentally transform the way you engage with your business and create a foundation for growth beyond your wildest imagination.
Here’s what to expect:
- Experience deep intimacy with your business where you’ll get soul connected.
- Bring awareness to areas that are blocked or missing the mark and clear and heal them energetically.
- Honor your heart’s desire and open up to receiving.
- Attune to the Divine timeline and learn how to stay in the heat of the fire.
There’s a beautiful energetic weaving that creates the stable and sustained foundation for your business to flourish and come into its fullest potential.
And this is what you and your dream deserve. This kind of attuned awareness and care.
Come weave with me the beautiful tapestry of your exponential growth.
Each quarter I will be releasing a new program that will help you succeed in your business, yours FREE with your Amplify Membership!
Besides The Foundation, expect to revel in the magic of these supportive programs:
- Strategy ($77 value): This masterclass allows you to create sacred structure for success in your business with an aligned action plan. This structure is your strategy. All creation takes energy flowing into and through structure that is solid and strong so that’s why you must hone your strategy. Deeply honoring the structure with your awareness and care – so it can work with the energy to build your dream business! This gives you the blueprint of aligned action.
- The Alchemical Entrepreneur ($597 value): TAE (for short)is the mastercourse your alien entrepreneurial spirit has been waiting for is here! Inside this 3-Part mastercourse, I teach you how to infuse energy alchemy into your business so you can experience results beyond your efforts – to move from predictable growth to dreams-realized kind of expansion. You’ll also learn how to set up an aligned business model that allows you to be living and creating from your own truth, flow, and desire. And what’s more, how to embrace the nitty gritty planning so you can be more present in every moment AND create a way forward that supports your vision.
- Stewards of Wealth ($2,097 value): This course is for spiritual, ambitious humans that give a shit about this world. With one of my most popular courses- Stewards of Wealth, you’ll learn emotional intelligence that will help you navigate toward exactly what you want to create in your life, including wealth that will support your life and the world you envision, become devoted to your life as art, and create a crystal clear energetic field that’s magnetic, so you attract the clients, money, and opportunities you dream of. You’ll also raise your level of power so you feel confident and elevate the world around you, learn how to upward spiral excitement and gratitude in a way that opens up whole new levels of freedom, understand and honor your desire so it can lead your way, rather than being led by avoidance of pain and disappointment, AND become aligned with receiving so you no longer block the very things you are asking for from the Universe.
After each program is released, you will have full access to them during the duration of your time in Amplify. All together, this is over a $3,757 value that is included with your membership!
Early Signup Bonus
Business Booster:
a B12 shot for your business!
($297 value)
In this exclusive Business Booster, each person who signs up within 24hrs of Energy Work for Your Business will receive a private, group energy work session (in addition to the group energy work of Amplify) specifically to infuse your business with vibrant abundance.

I hold the fundamental understanding that all things animate with spirit. This includes my own body, the trees, and even my business.
Having Briana‘s support with energy work on my business has opened and shifted things in palpable ways. Some things that had felt sticky, started to open up and be more clear with my ease. I also found myself approaching difficult tasks with less stress.
I am deeply grateful for Briana‘s highly-skilled energy attunement and alchemy, and love having her in my corner!
- Nisha Moodley

I had 3 client calls today, and I was in so much flow because of the energy work Briana did on my business. Before the energy work, I felt resistance and resentment for scheduling 3 calls right after traveling because I usually plan integration days to settle in.
I also had messy truth conversations with loved ones, so I left the house with my nervous system feeling rattled. I wasn’t sure if I could get into a good state to serve my clients. But once I was in my office a little before 10 am, I was in complete flow. I had so much energy, excitement, inspiration and deep love for my clients and their work. It was fun and joyful. And I wasn’t tired at all which is rare for me after 3 calls. The wonky energy in my body and my business cleared right after Briana did her magical work. My mind is blown because we’re not even in the same state.
I love Briana’s energy work and intuition, and I always feel a shift and uplift in my business and life.
- Jadah Sellner, Author of She Builds and Simple Green Smoothies

Amplify has been an amazing growth portal for me and my business. Just saying YES to this container led to the most successful month I’ve ever had in my business by far. I’m feeling a strong sense of my own magic and unique potential in a way I never have before and I’m very excited to see where this will lead. Knowing that the energy of my business is being tended to by Briana in loving ceremony twice a month feels so deliciously supportive!
- Lauren Gobes
Amplify is like no other membership or course you’ve ever done – it’s not more to learn or do, it’s not another system that you have to implement – it’s real transformation at the most intrinsically impactful level.
It will create sustainable results that will have you feeling like things are finally really *clicking*

I’m Briana Borten and there are so many pieces of who I am that I couldn’t possibly express in this framework of an introduction, so I hope we get the chance to connect more beyond this. But some highlights; I’m a mama of two incredible humans, a land steward, I’ve been an entrepreneur for over two decades running a beautiful and successful wellness brand called The Dragontree, and I’ve been coaching and supporting people with energy work since I was 21, I’m married to the love of my life, am committed to community, and love to create.
My gift to the world is a fully awakened YOU. (and ps. A fully awakened me). I’m a passionate about helping people connect deeply to themselves, to each other, to the Divine, and to the Earth. I believe this is the way of our greatest healing individually and collectively.
I work with leaders doing spiritual mentorship and energy work for your life and your business so you can plug in and feel the awakening that’s possible for you in this body. In this life. So you can expand your consciousness and be fully here, fully human, experiencing the Divine through your actions, your words, your creations, your contributions, and your relationships.
I have a gift for seeing/sensing/feeling deep truth and articulating it for my clients. However, I’m humbly aware that I am a limited being in a human body so my point of view is, of course, that as well – so I rely on the expanded view graced to us to help myself, my friends, my clients, and you navigate toward peace and freedom, again and again.
Let’s catalyze your growth through intentional community, conversations, and ceremony.
Devotional Love,
This is your loving invitation to embrace a business where expansion, clarity, and abundance coexist effortlessly.
Join Amplify and awaken your business’s highest potential.

Is there a one year commitment?
No. There is a 3 month commitment to truly give you the opportunity to see how this work can affect your business and your life. Learning how to attune & alchemize our energy, and channel it with devotion in the direction of our dreams, is a way of life. If after the 3 months you decide that this is not the work you’re meant to do, you may cancel by notifying us at least 5 business days prior to your next billing cycle at Should you cancel during this time frame, no further membership payments will be due.
I'm so busy, I'm worried I won't have the time.
One of the magic things about Amplify is that it was created for entrepreneurs that I know have full lives. This is work that is done for you and your business so that you can continue to work on what you need to work on.
You can dedicate time twice a month to listen to the messages. You can also use the sigil if you want to amplify the magic. But you don’t need to.
This work will start to shift that feeling of not having enough time.
I'd love to do this, but I can't afford it.
I know it can be hard to invest in your business – but I also know that investing in this kind of work is one of the most impactful things that you can do for your business growth and expansion.
What is your cancellation policy?
In the first three months, all membership fees are non-refundable. After that point, to cancel, you must contact us by email at at least 5 business days prior to your monthly payment date. If you choose the Annual Plan and you choose to cancel after this period, you’ll be eligible for a partial refund (your annual fee minus three months of membership + any additional months you participate in)
Does my subscription automatically renew?
Yes. Your membership will automatically renew from month to month or annually if you paid for the full year. If you do not wish to renew, please contact at least 5 business days before your renewal date to cancel.
Clear the pathway to your business so it can THRIVE.