Align andAccelerate:

Energy Attunements + Voxer Coaching

By the time you have landed here you’ve probably traveled many paths. You’ve done major inner work and know you’re here to bring forth your fullest potential – even if it hasn’t manifested that way . . . yet. 

Or maybe not. Maybe you were dipping your toe into the pools of the eternal cosmos and you just happened to fall into the deep end. 

Either way, welcome. 

This sacred offering of energy attunement is one that brings us right to the heart of it.

You are whole, unbroken, and brimming with Divine Potential. 

I can see this in you, even when you can’t. If you can’t feel your own potential it’s because your energy’s gotten staticky, sticky, wobbly, stagnant, distorted, cloudy, congealed, or added upon by other energy . . . or a mix and match of these. 

The good news is that it’s all changeable. The even better news is that it can happen now.

You’re a magical being whose energetic wiring can be shifted and changed. 

Together we can reweave what needs to be rewoven.

Together we can transmute what needs to be transmuted.
You and me. 

Incredible right!?!

I think so.

This is about going from good to incredible and from incredible to unimaginably free. 

Together we walk this path of your fullest liberation and most expressed potential.

I’m here to help you soar.

To help shift things permanently. 

To help with places you find yourself getting lost, stuck, or bewildered (it happens to all of us!)

Energy Attunements:

This type of session is deep and also (regular time) fast. We sit together for 15 minutes (though where we go there isn’t time, just now and now until we’re complete) and I come into your field and do my magic. We communicate via Voxer and I let you know what comes up and what happened toward resolution. 

It’s like chiropractic for your soul – so your life energy can flow through your being and your full potential can be lived. 

My clients have referred to it as a soul massage.

Voxer Coaching:

For those of you that choose to include Voxer Coaching you get . . .

Me. In your pocket.

Integration and application of the deep, soulful shifts made by our energy work together is essential. Knowing what to do next, how to hold the new alignment, and how to create your life from this place is how we materialize the energetics to the physical plain where you get to enjoy the spacious, abundant fruits of your transformation.

You’ll have access to me via Voxer where you can receive in depth coaching when and where you need it.

Align and Accelerate

6 months

Weekly for six months
4 sessions a month
24 sessions total


Now 44% off Energy Work

$1,790 /mo
$9,666 Paid in Full

$5412.96 Paid in Full

Voxer Coaching
for an additional $2000/month in the cart


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The way that can be spoken can not be the eternal way.

– Laozi

Working with Briana in the Fully Aligned Energy container has been absolutely perfect timing for my personal life and my business.  I knew I was on the cusp of a lot of big shifts in what I was creating in the world and the relationships I wanted to create. My partner and I were getting a lot more serious and expanded, I started to create more in roads toward healthy relationships with my family and friends. And there were just all of these blocks in the way and things that were making it feel heavy and hard and when I reached out to Briana to do energy work on a more regular basis I didn’t exactly know what I wanted, but I knew what I wanted to feel – which was just held and supported on an energetic level. Which is exactly what has happened.  I have seen such tremendous growth in myself, my relationships, and my business, and I know it’s because I just feel so safe now for growth to happen in my life. I feel like I can handle with whatever comes up, that I can go deeper, slower in every element of my life and I know deep down that I’m not doing it alone.  And even just that has been incredible. I think the energy clearing and just having someone that’s so gifted in the energetic realm is a secret weapon that every entrepreneur, especially, needs, but probably just every human.  I’m so grateful I began doing this work with Briana, it’s made everything about my life easier and as I’ve stepped into a bigger role and done this deeper intimacy work in my own business, I feel like I’m intimately held throughout.  I’m so incredibly grateful.

Kimberly Pendleton

Working with Briana has changed my life. Our weekly energy attunements create so much space for clarity, growth. It feels soooo good to be supported in this way! But, the part that’s really blown my mind has been seeing the ripple effect that has extended out into my life and the lives of my family, extended family, employees, business and community. I feel more grounded and present in my daily life, more clear about my purpose and my path, and more confident in my abilities to move forward in an aligned way. It undoubtedly made me a better leader. And, whole new levels of communication and connection have opened up in my own family and even into my extended family and their families. It’s been really amazing. I have noticed an expansion in our businesses and in our lives. I’m so very grateful to Briana for doing this work and leading in this way. Thank you!

Anne Bauer

The energy attunements with Briana are so powerful.  I’ve found them to be spot on and as effective for long term change as an hour long coaching session.  Briana has an amazing ability to tune in and find exactly what can be shifted to bring more spaciousness, ease and true movement toward what you desire most.

Erin Rosenblatt