Customized Energy Work
To help you release what’s been holding you back, discover just how connected you are, and open yourself to a new level of peace and trust.
Humans have so much potential. You have so much potential.
Such tremendous capacity for love, connection, creative expression, discovering and creating beauty, and shaping life in a magnificent way. You have infinite capacity to access peace and happiness and awaken these qualities in others and the world as a whole.
I’m honored to get to witness this.

I also see the uniquely human obstacles that get in the way of living such a Divine life. The patterns, blockages, and misalignments that keep you suffering, under performing, struggling with finances, exhausted, chasing dreams that aren’t your own, and feeling disconnected, irritated, undervalued, stressed, and numb.
This is not your native state

Your native state is one of perfect energetic flow (yes, even if you find yourself feeling consistently stuck). In your native flow state, you naturally release things that don’t serve you, and you move with grace and ease toward your highest calling. You are meant to live an inspired life where your potential is actualized and your heart feels full.
I feel blessed to be able to see what each person’s primary obstacles are to actualizing that. I know what’s possible and delight in the the absolute awe of seeing it emerge.
That’s the work we’ll do together: align you with your Highest Self.
When you’re aligned with your highest self . . .
.. . where you want to go in your life is clear.
. . . your relationships develop and unfold with ease.
. . . anxiety, fear, and worry fall away as you create deep trust of your soul to lead the way.
. . . abundance flows in to support your life and purpose.
. . . your health and self-care find a significant place in your day-to-day, knowing that it’s an honor to live in this body.

Each person has a unique energy system that is much like a fingerprint and when recalibrate to their truth allows absolute flow. Traumas, habits, and disconnection impede our energy bodies from full expression and can lead to: challenges with money, relationships, and purpose, as well as physical, emotional, and mental dis-ease.
With Soul Sessions we can restructure your system so you can experience your life with a new level of lightness, ease, and joy. And your gifts will flow out into the world.
I’m passionate about doing this because we’re deeply connected, because I love humans, and because I want to live among more people that are consciously living their Divinity, and actualizing their destiny. Every session is a magical unfolding guiding you toward your soul’s purpose, and that, to me, is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever witnessed. This work is my life’s purpose – to usher people closer to their Truth and help open up the path to unshakeable peace and happiness.

Here are some of the things my clients have experienced:
- Enlivened, passionate romantic relationships they thought were doomed.
- New business opportunities that just “fell in their lap” bringing them abundance and joy.
- More connection with their children.
- Clarity around what direction they want to go where they were feeling massively confused.
- A lasting sense of deep peace.
If you’re feeling stuck, hindered, or afraid in life, business, or love – let’s work together and set you free of these limitations so you can really soar.

We get on the phone or skype and enter a meditative state where I can attune to you. In this space I can ask questions about your struggles and receive answers from your Divinity.
I see your energetic and psychological patterns, and we explore deeper to find out what the Truth is in the pattern. I’m then guided to rectify issues by untangling, untethering, and releasing energetic patterns and blockages that are holding you back from reaching your fullest potential. I’m also guided to intervene on your behalf to reshape energetics in a way that make you a more capable vessel for carrying and transmitting love into the world rather than obstructing its flow.
- We can address core childhood wounds that are still living in your field.
- We can address ill functioning relationships and get them flowing correctly again.
- We can align your creative energy.
- We can bring abundant money energy into your energy system.
- We can remove old relationship energy and heartbreaks that are clogging up the pathways.
- We can address patterns that aren’t serving you and rearrange them to work for your highest good.
- We can bring forth your soul’s true nature and put it back in the drivers seat.
- We can remove blockages to your motivation. And so much more . . .

It’s basically me sitting with you, deeply listening to your soul and seeing your true nature with hearts for eyes, in order for your core truths to emerge and healing to unfold. We work in partnership with the universe to clear the noise and distractions and plant your feet firmly on your highest path, so you can effortlessly shine your light into the world.
You have so much potential. It’s time to tap into it.
My Story
As an entrepreneur, mama, wife, philanthropist, and dedicated friend I’ve experienced a multitude of twists and turns and ups and downs related to being human. I run a large and complicated company with an equally large and complicated staff, I have kids that melt down because one is on my lap and the other one wants me or because we’ve run out of cream for their oatmeal, I have misunderstandings with my husband, and miscommunications with my friends. I’m super human, not a superhuman.
But at a young age I had an experience of energy work that changed my life. I’d broken my neck and was in incredible pain. I couldn’t take pain medication because I was allergic and no one could touch my neck at all. I went to see a true healer who worked with my energy to give me relief and it felt like a miracle.
After that I was dedicated to learning how to help others in a similar way. I learned a lot, got attunements, and continued to be treated by a multitude of amazing practitioners. Then one day in a deep meditation I became open, entirely open, to receiving guidance on a soul level on how to work with energy. What was downloaded into me was a very unique system that, honestly, freaked me out.
I remember going home to my husband Peter and saying “I just can’t do this, it’s too much,” and then basically sleeping for three days straight while my system integrated it.
Over the years I learned to work with it more, and open more, and allow it without resistance, but then I stopped working with others for a long long time because I had babies and businesses to attend to.
Until the first nudge came for me to dive into my own energy network and receive guidance on my life daily. What I needed to do, who I needed in my life, how I needed to move in the world all became so clear.

I’ve experimented with different types of energy work over the years and it was immediately clear Briana offers something unique. She’s gentle, perceptive, and easy to work with, and at the same time, incredibly strong and powerful! I was blown away by her insights and how great I felt afterwards. She’s a gifted healer and I feel so lucky to be able to work with her!
Maker’s Movement Leader,
Liz Long

Thank you so much Briana, your work is amazing! Briana is incredibly insightful in ways I wouldn’t have imagined. She helped uncover hidden emotions that were holding me back, and guided me on the path forward in the gentlest and more powerful way. I’ve always felt Briana had a magical way of bringing peace to the world at large, and with this gift she brought peace to my inner world, too. If you get a chance to work with her, do it!
Nathalie Lussier

Briana blew me away in our first session. She truly has a gift. She was soft, gentle, and profound. When she was in my energy she discovered things I could feel but couldn’t put words to, and through her putting words to it I immediately felt a sense of peace and a deeper understanding of myself. She also discovered energy blocks in my body that I had no idea existed, but when she moved that energy ever so subtly there was an immediate release that I could feel. I felt more centered, tapped into myself, and alive after each session.
Love Coach,
Kavita J Patel

My readings with Briana have been so helpful. The only way I can describe it is that it feels like a much deeper part of who I am is being listened to with full and loving attention. The insights she receives and shares have been such sweet, soulful reminders of who I am, who I want to be, and areas that need some support for optimal well being. I find myself thinking about many of the messages she has shared with me almost daily and I am already applying them to my life in a way that is helping me make choices that are steering me closer to what I want and how I want to be. Many of the insights she shared were exactly what I was needing to look at in that moment. Each session I walk away feeling like an often neglected part of myself has been nurtured and acknowledged, and I have greater clarity that I can apply to my life immediately.
Heather Wade

When I started working with Briana, my life was in a big transition. I felt like a snake in my old skin that was hard to shed. For some reason I was having a really hard time ‘crossing over’ into my new life. I felt stuck and outdated. My relationship, business and body all felt uncomfortable and stagnant. I’m a big proponent of therapy, but it was just slow moving, so I called Briana. In just one session I felt completely different in my body. After my second, I launched a new business venture with ease and filled a program in less than two weeks. After the third, my relationship felt new and fiery again. I was SHOCKED and thrilled by how easy it was to shift. There were just some things out of whack in my system that needed some attention. It was like Briana re-wired me. She is someone who I will continue to work with indefinitely because life just works better when she’s working on me. I can’t recommend her enough.
Sarah Jenks

I always knew Briana was incredibly talented; she is a conscientious mother, a deeply loving partner, a supportive friend, and an incredible business ninja. She’s one of the few people in my life that I’ve brought all aspects of my life to, and felt completely heard and supported through it all. But what I’ve come to discover is that Briana is not only talented, but also profoundly gifted. We’ve had several Soul Sessions, and in a few short hours she has helped shift energy that’s been stuck or stifled, to open up the channels for greater clarity, flow, and abundance in my life. In just a few weeks, I’ve already noticed shifts in my outlook around things that have previously been challenging, as well as much greater clarity where I was previously feeling stuck and confused. This work feels like the fast track to everything I desire that is meant to be in my life anyways – it’s that powerful.
Women’s Leadership Coach and Founder of Global Sisterhood Day
Nisha Moodley

The day I met with Briana I was in a situation that I couldn’t see my way out of. Briana had a way of immediately connecting to and seeing what was blocking me from my highest potential. She named it, gave a metaphor and story to it, and gave me a completely new perspective of my challenge. Because of this new perspective I was able to see how to shift my own energy and meet another being from a place of love and compassion instead of fear. I feel like with Briana’s insight, I was able to rise to my highest potential with ease, and step into a higher level of leadership. I feel like Briana has a way of bringing light to what is standing in our way, and providing fresh perspective that allows us step beyond our blocks and into our highest self. Briana’s work is profound and moving in a way I had never experienced before. I cannot recommend enough.
Michelle Long

I met Briana over 15 years ago at a critical time in my personal and spiritual journey. I was out of balance – working too hard – and feeling sad and disconnected. I had “achieved” much by western/business standards – yet I still felt like something was missing. I had circled around working with a guide, advisor, healer for years but just could not bring myself to pull the trigger. The nagging voice of the ego could find a million reasons for me not to listen to the whisper of my soul. That was until I met Briana. Initially, my work with Briana took the shape of massage and body work and I knew that the Universe had provided me with a trusted and special soul. It is difficult to list all the important, life shifting and special qualities Briana has brought to my life. Most recently, I had the honor of my first coaching and intuitive healer call with Briana. Firstly, she listened and she listened well. Second, her intuition and calm and loving demeanor was able to settle my egoic mind and allow me to become open and vulnerable (the first step to real healing). Briana was able to “see me” and really deeply and truly look into my soul and life and offer concrete, clear, actionable steps and practices to help me. Briana blends and balances the esoteric art of “downloading” and working with spirit along with the more tangible work of a modern day western coach to work magic. Briana has a loving and caring energy that can help guide even the busiest and those that are searching on a path of wisdom, health, centered self and contentment. She has been a life saver and life improver for me and I strongly recommend Briana as a wonderful and powerful, mentor, coach and guide.
Founder and CEO, Meriwether Group
David Howeitt

Doing energy work with Briana has been such a deep and rewarding experience. I didn’t know a lot about energy work going into it, so I was a little wary at first. Briana almost immediately started to help me feel relaxed and comfortable as she calmly laid out what she was going to do and what I needed to know. She assured me that she would not do anything that I felt uncomfortable with. It was truly a moving experience. The things she explained to me that she felt within my energy field were amazingly accurate. The emotions that were evoked in me during this process were intense in a beautiful and healing way. She helped me, while in a meditative state, to dissolve some nasty hurdles that were within my energy field. My session lasted about an hour, but somehow it felt like a lot more time had passed than that. Since my session, I have honestly felt a lot lighter than I did before. It has been easier for me to let negative emotions go. I let them simply pass through me. I draw a lot, and my art has felt so much freer since my session, allowing me to create bigger and more intricate pieces. I’m very excited to continue to do energy work with Briana. I am so happy that I get to experience this beautiful process. I believe my life has already started looking up. I am so grateful for Briana being able to do this work with me. I would recommend this work to literally anyone and everyone. It is insightful, it is healing, it is powerful, and it is something that I hope many more people can experience.
Rileigh Coldiron