Write it down.
Last week I was telling you about my focus for 2014, and offered to share what I did to set goals and plan for the coming year if you were interested. I guess you are because I got dozens of emails requesting that I write this blog.
So let’s dive in.
The first thing you should know is that my process takes more than a day, but it’s soooo worth it. You’ll want to set up at least three 1 – 3 hour sessions to get it done with heart. Today I’m going to walk you through the first session.
To start take a piece of paper and make two lines across the top, then divide the rest of the paper into two columns. One the top line write how you want to feel in the next year. Whether it’s abundant, accomplished, peaceful, sexy, charming, playful, powerful, strong, engaged…. This process comes from the idea that when you visualize your future, if you are able to connect to the feeling that you desire, you’re much more able to pull yourself in that direction by generating that feeling and moving toward things that allow for the ease of that feeling to occur. Danielle LaPorte did a great job refining this idea in her book The Desire Map, and if you haven’t checked it out – it really helps define what your core desired feelings are, I highly recommend it.
Here’s how I want to feel next year:
Next, in one of the columns write all the ways in which you want to serve or connect to the world. For instance: Make a Vibrant and Calm lifestyle course, send a two thank you cards to friends and family a week, finish my book, teach seminars on confidence to high schoolers, or start a monthly neighborhood get together.
In the second column list all the things you want to do for yourself. Like: exercise daily, go on three vacations outside of the country, create a large art piece with my family, go to Burning Man, or learn how to speak Spanish.
The reason for these two columns is because it’s important to balance your life between what you do for others and what you do for yourself. Of course, there are things that could be in either column, but just list it in one or the other.
Then on the second line on the top write down your three main goals for the year (it could be less than three – but no more). This could be: move to Mexico, open another business, get pregnant, travel around the world, get a new job, or learn how to fly an airplane. Often these three main goals are pulled from the lower columns – but not always. If you have a vision for three or five years out, I suggest making these three main goals align with where you want to be then. You’re creating a path, so make sure it’s going in the right direction.
These top two lines are the focus. How you want to feel and the main things you want to get done. The rest is kinda extra credit.
I’ve created a sheet for you to download here to do this session. I promise if you take the time to do this exercise you’ll have set an intention for 2014 that will make the planning so much easier.
Next week we’ll use this to move into the next phase of planning. Yeah!
Please scroll down to the comments and tell me what your top two lines say:
How do you want to feel in 2014?
What are your three main goals in 2014?
I can’t wait to support you to get everything you want this coming year.
Briana – can I get the 2014 Goal download? I think I fell off of your mailing list. Thanks and happy holidays! Susan.
Susan, of course. Here is the link: http://brianaborten.com/wp-content/uploads/2014_Desire-Map_Briana_Borten.pdf
HI Briana
Love the ideas you presented to embrace feelings, actions, and goals.This is a simple, yet effective way to assess progress and secure it to what motivates us. Thanks for sharing the source!