By Briana | May 16th 2013

How’s it going?


The other day I went out for a drink with a dear friend of mine. When I sat down, she looked at me and said, “How’s it going?” To which I cheerfully replied, “really really shitty.” She laughed and said that she had never heard anyone say something so honest and raw with such joy. I explained that really it was just that we were in the middle of a situation that was super challenging, but that I was still generally happy. ‘Cause my happiness doesn’t depend on my circumstances, it’s something that I produce. – Tweet it

Now I’m not always in that state. Sometimes, like everyone, I struggle with being at the effect of my external reality. If this happens to you – don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s super normal. But, if you can find even a sliver of light through the fog, put your attention on it, tend to it, and start making it part of your day.

One thing that you can do to grow that is to serve others. This is also one of my Vision Board Action cards. I’ve covered the other Vision Board Action cards here , here, here, here, and here. So when you get this card perform an act of service to others to create the world that I envision. Go out and help your community, your friends, a stranger.

This is what happened with my girlfriend. I was in my joy, but it was fragile. Until, I was able to be with her and hear what was happening for her with work and family, and was able to offer her love and advice that made a big difference for her. This grew my bit of joy into solid delight.

When you can get out of your own small universe of you, you begin to see how much value you have and get perspective. For me, this really motivates me to move forward in the direction of my dreams.

The more you put this into practice the more you will see opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others everywhere. And if your vision for your life includes a certain experience of life (which I highly recommend that it does), then the ways in which you help the world will create that existence more and more for you and all of your surroundings.

Go live your big dreams. Create a world that rocks.

Scroll down to the comments and tell me one thing that you could do today to serve others in a way that would create the world you envision.


  • Samuel Dinwiddie says:

    My gift to the world today will be my smile.

  • Jim P says:

    Serving is my secret weapon. I love to have a cocktail and some snacks or even a whole dinner ready when my wife gets home from work.

    Sometimes something shitty happens and a while later I’m in a good mood and I’m realizing that I used to feel guilty about it, thinking ‘how can I be in a good mood when that just happened!’ Now – thanks to a lot of great work with B (which is ongoing of course) I try to cultivate and celebrate that good mood and and propagate it around me regardless of all the crappy stuff that’s in the world.

  • Damiana says:

    Thanks for your openness and honesty. We all share our happiness and success and tend to hide when we feel, as you say, shitty.

    • Briana Borten says:

      Right! There is no need to hide from the whole experience of living. Even the hard parts have value and help us evolve.

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