Blogs | Valentine’s Day: A return to love

By Briana | February 14th 2019

Valentine’s Day: A return to love


Hi, love—

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today we celebrate love in a few different ways. Maybe you are cooking up something special for dinner tonight, or planning a night with friends. There are so many things about love to celebrate, even if the commercial aspect of this holiday feels over the top, or a little too pink. 🙂

Our family adores holidays, especially ones we tweak to make our own. My daughter Sabina always makes us some sort of special craft and creates a lovely gift for her sister, her OG Galentine.

I’ve been thinking about love—and what it TRULY looks like to weave love into our lives, our communities, and our work in the world every day. What it feels like to me is a great remembering – a returning to our true nature, which is love. We are love. Our every breath is an act of loving.

Love, in general, and learning to return to it, as a kind of discipline, has become the thread running through my entire life.

Not just on days of hearts and roses, or even love notes (as much as I love all of that) but a deeper, abiding call to remember:

We are loving.
We are loved.
We are Love.

Remembering this deep truth has been such a meaningful practice for me, through heartbreak and disappointment, through business ups and downs, in everything.

In frustrating moments or when I feel like things are spinning out of control.

When I’m losing my temper or don’t feel fully myself.

Little confusions with my staff when I wish things hadn’t unfolded quite the way they did.

I am invited, constantly, to remember to return to love.

My love for them, for my clients, for my family. But also, even more broadly, my love for humankind. For this precious planet. For all of the creatures.

For myself.

I am love.
You are love.

It’s not always easy. But, like all disciplines that bring us back to ourselves, it certainly gets easier with practice. What can you do today to return to love?

Who can you forgive? Where can you soften?

And, perhaps hardest of all, how can you show yourself more love?

One area in which we do this in Sacred Expansion, (our personal development course that begins today!) is by creating mantras for our hearts. I invite you to do the same today and repeat until they are able to sink all the way in:

I am love.

I am loved.

Let’s celebrate love today, and, every day: look to return to the truth of who we are, love. Loved. Loving.




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