Blogs | When disaster strikes

By Briana | September 18th 2013

When disaster strikes


Today I feel tasked with the impossible – writing about the second major natural disaster I’ve been in within the last year.  It feels impossible to explain, impossible to reach out to you through words and express the losses, the fear, the community, and the gorgeousness of the human soul that is exposed during these tragic events.

The Boulder flood was unpredictably devastating.  Lives lost, roads to towns completely gone, people stranded, and many homes destroyed.

The loss and the tragedy you can see on the news, so I’m going to leave it at that; not because it’s insignificant, but because as a culture we see this side of things again and again.

Instead I’m going to tell you about the beautiful community, and strength of spirit that I see everywhere around me. If you’ve ever doubted the goodness of humans, be part of a natural disaster and you no longer will.

People are good. – Tweet it

20130913_boulderflood01During both hurricane Sandy and the Boulder flood people came out to help each other, raise spirits, and be a shoulder to cry on.  Yes, as humans, we can be selfish, fragile, and unaware – but when tragedy strikes, we rise to the occasion.  We look for ways to help, we comfort those that are experiencing loss, we be our best selves – our strong, centered, loving selves.  And that is our true nature.

When I see strangers offering their homes to those in need, when I see volunteer groups organizing themselves and going out to help businesses and people with homes that are destroyed, when I see a rescue worker holding an elderly woman as she cries, I know that this is us, this is the truth of our spirit.

I’m so done with the news showing us the worst of people.  Yes, some people are mixed up, but the majority of us humans on this planet are good, and when push comes to shove – we do good.  And we all make mistakes, but that doesn’t change what’s inside.

Somehow floods and hurricanes and tsunamis, wash away all the crap that covers up our essence, and we shine bright again.  Don’t wait for mother earth to do it for you – uncover your brilliance, your love, your goodness, today, and give it to the world.  We really do need you.

If you want a way to help this beautiful community get back on its feet, please donate.

I have no doubt that we will survive this and be a stronger and closer community because of it.  It’s a long road ahead, but the people will shine.

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