Why you should return your presents
Ah…that was nice. What a lovely Christmas. If you celebrate Christmas I hope that it was full of love and joy and if you don’t – I hope it was a day full of love and joy.
Today is the second biggest shopping day of the year. You know why? Because everyone is returning their presents! And you should too.
I’m a girl that loves presents, I love giving them and I love getting them. I always have. But this year I am going to return all of my favorite gifts, because the world needs more of what I got.
I’m talking about the real presents we receive: time with our loved ones, sweet letters, warm and cozy evenings with rich conversation, amazing home cooked meals, and delightful celebrations with soul. These are presents that we can return to the world and the love exponentially grows.
So this year, will you return your presents? Please? Make a list of three gifts you received that touched your heart, and then next to each gift, write a way in which you will bring the essence of this gift into the world ten fold in 2013.
Here’s my list:
- A visit from my papa, step-mother, and sister to celebrate Christmas in my new house.
- In 2013 I am going to take more trips to see my family all over the country.
- Delightful winter solstice party full of new friends and wonderful conversation.
- In 2013 I will create gatherings for people to connect deeply.
- Hearing my daughter say “I hope Santa filled my stocking full of love.”
- In 2013 I will come from a place of love in my interactions with others, even when the interaction is a difficult one.
Returning these gifts will make my 2013 amazing, and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
The more we challenge ourselves to really show up and bring forth our love, the better place the world becomes. – tweet it
Please leave a comment below and tell me what gifts you’ll be returning this year.
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