Blogs | An invitation from Autumn

By Briana | October 4th 2018

An invitation from Autumn


Hey, love,

How is Autumn feeling in your corner of the world?

These days have a clarifying energy around them. There’s something about families, settling back into routines around school, or work, while preparing for cooler weather and darker days that make it feel easy to think about rhythms and priorities. It’s the season to reconnect with our intentions, or set new ones, and shed those that no longer are serving us or our purpose..

As the trees let their leaves fade before falling to the ground in a blanket of red, orange, yellow and brown, Autumn reminds us that releasing what is no longer useful can be a beautiful process.

So, this is our invitation, too.

What is it time to release, in your life? What leaves are ready to drift off of your branches, rejoining the Earth?

And what intentions do you want to focus on in this season? What renewed commitments do crisp air and cooler winds draw in, for you?

For some,  having the time and space to sit in internal reflection is enough to connect to those intentions  But for others, knowing where to begin that search is more of a struggle.

The truth is, we can go long stretches of time without doing this kind of work, without checking in to our deepest needs. Especially when things feel too daunting, too overwhelming, too conflicted, or too disconnected from our truth.

Wherever you find yourself on this spectrum, overwhelmed or excited by this invitation, I’d love to have you draw nearer to that quiet voice within that is longing to be heard.

Create a sacred space for yourself: light a candle, open your journal or a notebook, and create the space to listen.

If you joined us for the Body Wisdom workshop, you know that one of the best things we can do to hear the truth of who we are is to slow down and check in to what we are feeling. If you haven’t tried our new Freedom Book, this is a great way to guide that journey for you.

(If you missed the workshop, you can hear the replay here.)

And, if you know that a stronger connection to your energetic field and deep knowing is truly the next step for you, I’d love to invite you into Love Rising. Listening to ourselves is the true purpose of the energy work we do together in the group. Join our waitlist and be first to hear when the doors open.



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