Sex and relationships
When I met my husband I was young, active, dating lots of people, and totally uninterested in marriage. Most of my relationships had been hot and tumultuous, up and down, fighting and . . . making up.
I thought this was how relationships were. You see, I didn’t have the greatest role models for marriage and relationship. My parents married and had children by the time they were 20, and it wasn’t because they were high school sweethearts. It’s because in an era of free love, they found each other for a summer and baby was made (so glad, too – I love my sister). They didn’t have a chance to explore partnership and communication before they were thrown together to make it work.
They held it together for 17 years, but those years weren’t spent in cuddles and deep conversations from what I saw. They were spent in tension and duty delegation and silent treatments.
I don’t blame my parents, they did a decent job with what they had and given the role models they were brought up with. And luckily for both of them, they have had opportunities to grow and change and create relationships that are supportive and loving with new partners and with friends and their children.
I think this pattern is true for a lot of us. We grow up with one or two examples of how intimate relationships work, and because we don’t know any other way, we unconsciously replicate those old patterns.
Until it hurts.
And then, hopefully, we explore other ways of being in relationship.
My dear friends Emily Rosen and Marc David have created an online conference that I am so proud to be part of. It’s an honest conversation about how we are in sex and relationships and how we can make changes that support our hearts, our minds, and our love lives.
This FREE online Conscious Sexuality and Relationship Conference helps navigate the wildly diverse options available in human sexuality and relationship with more than 40 experts that have their own unique take on the subject. So you can explore and chose what feels right for you.
This unique ONLINE event goes live May 12-16th 2014, and you can sign up for FREE here.
In my conversation with Emily and Marc I talk about the way Peter and I show up in our relationship and what works for us.
Peter, and a lot of personal reflection, counseling and work, helped me change my default behavior in relationship from hot/cold and reactionary, to going for the result that I want, which is an experience of love that sustains and overjoys me. And then I got a lot more interested in marriage.
In Love,
P.S. What you need to know:
Dates: May 12-16th 2014
Location: Online
Price: FREE
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