Feel Good in Your Body Through Embodied Movement I have a really fun embodied movement practice to share with you today. This one is so fundamental in my own life, so I’m super excited to do it together…. By Briana | April 11th 2022
Engage and Surrender through Tai Chi Coming into our bodies and allowing ourselves to be activated by the universe is the calling of our souls. I truly believe it’s the reason we came here in human… By Briana | April 4th 2022
Embodying Your Potential pite of your body? Or are you disconnected? Getting by, but not radiating your love and your spirit through your vessel and into the community you serve. By Briana | March 14th 2022
Are Your Skills Supporting Your Business (Foundation Masterclass sneak peek) Have you ever wondered if you have the skills you need in order to grow your business? Of course, we all have. And sometimes, you just need to trust what… By Briana | February 28th 2022
Your Business Needs You to be ALL IN In this week’s video, I’m going to share a story with you about what it means to be truly, fully committed and devoted … a story about not giving up… By Briana | February 21st 2022
Love is Our Most Potent Medicine In my Love Rising Collective the other day, one of my beloved clients asked me how I’m able to love so many people so much, and where I learned to… By Briana | February 14th 2022
The World Needs You and Your Awakened Leadership Real leadership can feel like a lot to take on, but the world needs you to address the calling of your soul. In this week’s video, I want to talk… By Briana | February 7th 2022
Energy Work to Create Abundance Now Before we dive into the video for today I just want to remind you that this incredible journey I’m leading – Awake and Abundant: A course in becoming – starts… By Briana | January 31st 2022
Can you be Wealthy and still Spiritual? It’s a common belief that you can’t be both wealthy and spiritually awakened … that money equals greed and materialism, and truly spiritual people have somehow superseded the pursuit of… By Briana | January 24th 2022
How to Cultivate Abundance in the New Year I’m delighted to get to chat with you today about how to make 2022 a truly awesome new year by cultivating abundance. I’ve used these steps to create massive abundance… By Briana | January 10th 2022
10-minute Guided Meditation for Taking Action Welcome to 2022.The next year of your life.What are you going to do with this incredible opportunity? Do you have desires? Goals? Intentions? But the next step is fuzzy? Or… By Briana | January 3rd 2022
Creating a Strong Enough Vision to Endure Life’s Bumps Do you have a clear, strong vision for your future? Or is it maybe kind of an undefined grey area that could use some work? Your vision is so vital… By Briana | December 20th 2021