Reduce Your Pain with This Practice of Love I am writing to you this week with a heart filled with warmth and tenderness, and an energy of pure love radiating to you. I got asked about pain this… By Briana | September 26th 2022
Owning All the Aspects of Who You Are If you’ve ever tried to pave a new path for yourself that is different than what everyone in your family has done, you know that it takes bravery and commitment. … By Briana | July 18th 2022
Feel Good in Your Body Through Embodied Movement I have a really fun embodied movement practice to share with you today. This one is so fundamental in my own life, so I’m super excited to do it together…. By Briana | April 11th 2022
Engage and Surrender through Tai Chi Coming into our bodies and allowing ourselves to be activated by the universe is the calling of our souls. I truly believe it’s the reason we came here in human… By Briana | April 4th 2022
Embodying Your Potential pite of your body? Or are you disconnected? Getting by, but not radiating your love and your spirit through your vessel and into the community you serve. By Briana | March 14th 2022
Accessing your Innate Worth through Embodied Movement In this in-between place before the New Year we can often find ourselves setting intentions for 2022, seeing what improvements we want to make in our lives, and sorting out… By Briana | December 27th 2021
Dance Into Alignment If you’ve spent much time with me, you’ve probably noticed that embodied movement is one of my absolute favorite spiritual practices. I’m so excited to share an embodied movement session… By Briana | November 29th 2021
Embodied Movement for Shifting “Negative” Emotions In this week’s video, I’m going to share an embodied movement practice that will enable you to experience your emotions, release the negative judgement that comes with them, and transmute… By Briana | October 25th 2021
Embodied Movement for Moving Stagnant Energy (video) No one likes feeling stuck and stagnant, so I’m super excited to share this practice that you can use to really change your state of mind in just a few… By Briana | September 27th 2021